RayIoT has been leading contactless breathing for nearly a decade. Our first product was raybaby, a baby monitor which also doubled as a breathing tracker, was named a Must-Have home gadget by Wired, a top tech gift for holidays by CNN and won innovation awards at CES and JPMA in 2018.
During COVID, we deployed our innovative technology for healthcare and were able to test it in clinical settings and neonatal ICUs, besides trials in non-clinical settings.
With AL, RayIoT has built a reliable product with high accuracy that can be easily deployed and with extensive application in healthcare and wellness. To build AL, we have dipped into our extensive research that includes 7 billion breathing instances that capture variations in breathing rate for conditions such as fever, breathing pauses, asthma, and sleep apnea, 1,000+ hours of clinical evaluation in a neonatal ICU that proved 98% accuracy against medically approved devices, and a data set of 250 points.
The Team
our mentors
Visiting consultant neonatologist, Johns Hopkins Hospital
General Partner SOSV & Founder/MD HAX